Dear Editor – Speedo, The Cat King of Irving Place

Dear Editor,

Speedo was a sleek gray and white cat who would routinely escape from his collar and his Irving Place home to patrol the downtown area looking for neighborhood entertainment and head nuzzles from strangers. He loved to be outside so much that he would loosen window screens or breeze out through the front door in a flash. When I encountered Speedo wandering around the vicinity of the downtown fire station, I brought him to my home in an effort to find his owner. After posting his photo on Nextdoor and Facebook, I was surprised by the number of responses from residents who knew all about Speedo and his friendly antics. Within a short time, Speedo was back at home.

Despite his owner’s best efforts, Speedo managed to sneak out of his home again last week. Witnesses reported that a speeding vehicle brought Speedo’s life and outgoing personality to an abrupt end. What is also tragic is that the accident occurred near Linwood Howe Elementary School, potentially endangering little children. The speeding driver never stopped.

No one’s time is so important as to justify racing down a quiet residential street in the vicinity of a school and taking the life of a sweet, much-loved family pet. Speedo, your fan club will miss you.

Deborah Weinrauch, Director
Friends of Culver City Animals

The Actors' Gang

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