The Culver City Democratic Club, the city’s oldest and largest political organization, has announced its endorsements for the November 8, 2022 general election. Highlights include Sydney Kamlager for US Congress, Lola Smallwood-Cuevas for State Senate, Isaac Bryan for Assembly, Robert Luna for LA County Sheriff, the Defenders of Justice judicial slate, Alex Fisch and Freddy Puza for City Council, and Triston Ezidore, Brain Guerrero, and Stephanie Loredo for School
Board. Members also notably voted to support County Measure A and Culver City Measures BL and VY. A complete list of endorsed candidates and positions is on the Club website.
The detailed questionnaires completed by all the Democrats running for local office are also on that site, and over ten hours of video of candidate forums and candidate visits to Club meetings are available there and at <
Cynthia Hart, CCDC
Thank you for the guide of who/what not to vote for!!!