The Culver City Arts Foundation (Culver Arts), which supports the arts in Culver City through its mission to preserve the past, enrich the present and create the future of arts and culture in the community,
announced the launch of its third round of the Arts Resiliency Fund, with a focus on local non-profit creative
organizations serving the community.
Following on the success of the initial rounds of individual grants, the Arts Resiliency Fund will now offer grants of up to $5,000 for creative organizations that provide programs, resources and opportunities for the local community, which is at the heart of Culver City. With the generous support of our community partners, including Apple, who continues to grow in Culver City, Hackman Capital, and others, Culver Arts is able to help local non-profits to continue their focus on inspiring creativity, while many creative individuals and organizations are still facing economic hardships.
“As we emerge from the pandemic we have seen that not only individuals but many other vital organizations are in need of support so we are pleased to be able to expand our Arts Resiliency Fund grant program to local nonprofits who are working to make an impact on our community here in Culver City,” said Jim Clarke, Culver Arts Chair. “It is through generous donations from corporate partners as well as individuals who made it possible for us to more than double the amount we gave in the first two rounds, allowing Culver Arts to continue to support our creative community.”
Culver Arts has already provided over $20,000 in our first two rounds to local artists through our Arts Resiliency Fund. Grantees included writers who had to shelve their screenplays, a composer whose work as a performing violinist disappeared, dance instructors who could no longer offer studio classes, a filmmaker who has struggled to find clients and work, visual artists who were unable to showcase their work, and a textile artist who had to shutter workshops, among others.
Anyone interested in applying for a microgrant through the Arts Resiliency Fund can find a simple application form at https://culverarts.org/culvercityresilient/. The deadline to apply is September 30th.
Culver Arts is accepting donations to the fund at www.culverarts.org through GiveButter.com/culverarts or mailed to Culver City Arts Foundation, PO Box 4521, Culver City, CA 90231. Donations are tax deductible (FEIN 84-16971550) and 100% of the funds will directly support the arts.
Caitlin McGee Swartz
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