Correction – Publication of Letter Was Unauthorized

Dear Readers,

    The editor has made an error. A letter that we published on April 28, 2022 from Ray Long was not submitted by Mr. Long. It was submitted by someone else (whose return address was and Culver City Crossroads made the (incorrect) assumption that the person submitting the letter was an official representative of Mr. Long and had the authority to share his correspondence. 

An email from Mr. Long on May 4, 2022 informs us that this was not the case, and the letter with his signature was shared without his knowledge or consent. 

When submitting a letter to the editor, we ask that you use “Letter to the Editor” as the subject in your email, and that you provide us with your name, address and phone number, so that we may contact you quickly in the case of any editorial questions.

The integrity of this publication is an important community asset, and we ask that all of our readers be respectful and honest when submitting information; if a letter is simply being shared for the sake of forwarding information that you feel is important to the community, please state this clearly in the subject line of the email. 

We apologize most sincerely to Mr. Long and to all of our readers for the misunderstanding. 

Judith Martin-Straw


The Actors' Gang

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