Housing Element On Council Agenda for April 25

The City Council Meeting agenda on Monday April 25, 2022 will include two action items on housing, bringing in both ‘discussion of an affordable overlay zone’ and ‘discussion of options for [an] SB9 ordinance,’ bringing the city into compliance with the state law. 

SB9, also known as the California Housing Opportunity and More Efficiency (HOME) Act, is a state law that requires cities to allow one additional residential unit onto parcels zoned for single-dwelling units. While much discussion has been focused at the council on a local level, the fact that this is a state mandated requirement means that the issue must be addressed. 

The concept of the affordable overlay zone brings in the idea that more than one additional dwelling unit (ADU) per single residential lot could help to decrease the price of housing in the area, and that establishing a zone would clarify the requirements for building more housing. 

The initial submission of a Revised Housing Element to the state was rejected and returned to the city for further amendments. From the City, “While the City’s adopted housing element addresses many statutory requirements described in HCD’s November 8, 2021 review, additional revisions are necessary to fully comply with State Housing Element Law.  HCD encourages the City to revise the 6th Cycle of the Housing Element to address its additional comments and meet all housing element requirements.” 

Like all California cities, Culver City is required to establish these standards. SB9 became law on January 1, 2022.

The City Council will meet in the Mike Balkman Council Chambers at City Hall, and the meeting will also be accessible online. To attend virtually, go to CulverCity.org, and click through to ‘Meetings and Agendas.” 

Judith Martin-Straw




The Actors' Gang

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