Lindberg Park Redesign – Keeping the Tree, Updating the Shelter

The City of Culver City has a limited amount of Parks and Water Bond Act of 2018 (Proposition 68)  funds to use for improvements at Lindberg Park. The primary project is a heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) upgrade at the Stone House. In mid-October 2021, the community voted to select one additional project, the Picnic Area Rehabilitation, or, the Outdoor Exercise Area Expansion. 

The Hollywood Juniper tree (pictured) is now being “protected in place.”  The tree will not be removed as part of this project.  

Thank you to all 380 community members who voted. Here are the results of the Lindberg Park Prop 68 Project survey.

Preferred Project    
 Picnic Area Rehabilitation 224 59%
 Outdoor Exercise Area Expansion 156 41%
 Total 380  


Picnic Shelter Roof Color    
 Evergreen 112 50%
 Terra Cotta 56 25%
 Roman Blue 54 24%
 No Response 2 1%
Total 224  


Proximity to Lindberg Park    
 I live less than 1/2 from the Park  198
 I live 1/2 to 3 miles from the Park 164 43%
 I live further than 3 miles away  17 4%
 No Response 1 0.3%
Total 380  



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