The Friends of the Library would like you to save the date: Thursday, April 14th at 6:15 pm, at the Julian Dixon Library
4975 Overland Ave., Culver City 90230. The celebration for the 50th Anniversary of our library will be happening inside the building, and the community is welcome.
Please come to welcome and meet our new Community Library Manager, Kelly Conn, who arrived in 2020 just before the closure. Come and meet old and new friends as we recognize the Friends Volunteer of the Year, Steven Wieber, Book Chair and Business Volunteer of the Year, Lisa Alexakis, from Tanners Sewing.
There will be a Special Presentation from the Friends of the Library in memory of Laura Frakes, former Community Library Manager.
Unfortunately we will not be able to serve dinner or refreshments.
There is a limited number for attendance.
Covid Safety requirement for our event:
Mask covering nose and mouth at all times
Social distancing at all times (except among members of the same household)
Proof of vaccinations Or proof of negative Covid test within 48 hours of our event
These requirements may change. We follow the protocol of the Library.
The Library is open, currently closed on Sundays and Mondays.
For more info, go to ccfol.org
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