WUF is pleased to welcome the Westside Mayors for the annual Mayors Forum! This is a Westside Urban Forum signature event that brings together the Westside Mayors for a candid discussion of each mayor’s priorities for 2022 from a land use perspective and covers different ways each of their cities is responding to current issues.
In 2022, mayors faced a myriad of issues including the central conflict of land use and social and racial equity and they will be discussing their cities’ efforts to:
Implement SB9 (the state requirement that cities allow additional units on lots zoned for single-family use), and SB10 (higher densities allowed near transit), while trying to maintain local land use control;
Meet state-required Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) housing unit numbers by providing enough opportunities for housing to be built in their cities; and,
Address historic inequity with actions such as Santa Monica’s recent effort to bring back former city residents displaced by freeway and other public construction.
The mayors will talk about their different approaches to addressing ongoing and pandemic-related changes to retail and commercial businesses and land use. You will hear straight from the mayors whether they think these changes are temporary or here to stay, the potential impacts of these changes to city budgets and what these changes can mean for the character of their cities.
Mayors will discuss how they view tourism in their cities and what their cities are doing to attract visitors, and what efforts are being made to house workers in the hospitality industry. And they’ll discuss whether pandemic-inspired changes — such as outdoor dining — are here to stay.
The Metro Crenshaw-LAX Line and the Regional Connector are set to open later in 2022, with the Purple Line extensions to follow in 2024-2027. What do these transit improvements mean for each city and what is the outlook and commitment to public transit in a period of reduced ridership but increased need to cut emissions?
Join us to hear directly from the decision makers on these and other 2022 Westside land use topics.
Wednesday, February 16, 2022
12:00 – 1:00 pm PT
Via Zoom
RSVP Required – Go to https://www.westsideurbanforum.com/
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