Culver City Vaccination Mandate Approved for Businesses and City Facilities; Details to Come

At the October 11, 2021 City Council Meeting, the council approved moving forward with a vaccine mandate for patrons and employees of a wide variety of businesses (including food, personal care, and fitness), as well as indoor City Facilities open to the public.

Action Item A-1 heard a presentation from Assistant City Manager Jessie Mays, citing the vaccine mandates from the federal, state and county governments. In addition, the City of Los Angeles has been one of many cities in southern California declaring a vaccine mandate. The agenda item was a request to the city staff, asking to consider vaccinations requirements for places where “…people are in close proximity, and might be unmasked.”

While a very few speakers echoed populist anti-science talking points, Culver City Chamber of Commerce President Colin Diaz offered the results of a detailed survey of their membership. He noted that a small percentage businesses queried were concerned about the impact of a vaccine mandate, but that more than a third responded that a mandate would have no negative impact. Only 11% felt that there would be a negative financial impact to their business. 

The motion was to provide direction to the city, and so approval was not called to a vote. 

This vaccine mandate will also include City elected and appointed officials. The City Manager will issue a Public Order, which is anticipated to come out sometime next week, and it will go into effect on a date to be announced in November.

The vaccine mandate policy will apply to those 18 years and older, so outdoor youth sports will continue to follow LA County protocols. 

Judith Martin-Straw


Topsy Turvy at The Actors' Gang 9/26-11/16

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