MOVE Project Seeks Community Input

The MOVE Culver City project will connect Downtown Culver City with the Metro E-Line station and the Arts District and seek to make the roadways in Culver City safer and more efficient by creating dedicated lanes for bikes and buses in both directions on Culver Boulevard and Washington Boulevard. The 1.3-mile project will run between the intersections of Culver Boulevard/Duquesne Avenue and Washington Boulevard/La Cienega Avenue. This project will utilize a quick-build process that results in temporary improvements and provides the flexibility to update the design in the future.

We invite community members to take the MOVE Culver City Pre-Implementation Survey. The survey is intended to provide a baseline data set that shows how people currently get around the city, and the results will be used for future evaluation and comparison with post-project implementation.

The survey will close on October 11. Please take the MOVE Culver City – Culver/Washington Boulevard Pilot Project – Pre-Implementation Survey TODAY! Go to

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