Wende Museum’s Cold War Spaces – Nouril on “Dreamworld Space: Art and Science”

My next Cold War Spaces interview this coming Wednesday focuses on the intersections between art and science in the Soviet Union during the Cold War. How did artists reflect on the utopian dreams of establishing an ideal future with scientific means, and on the potentially dystopian consequences of such dreams? Did artists collaborate with scientist and inspire and inform their work? Was there a distinction in this respect between official and unofficial artists? What was the impact of the space race and of nuclear power on the arts? I will speak about these issues with art historian Ksenia Nouril, the Jensen Bryan Curator at the Print Center in Philadelphia.

Wednesday, September 8, 12 p.m. PST: Ksenia Nouril – Dreamworld Space: Soviet Intersections Between Art and Science

RSVP: https://www.wendemuseum.org/programs/dreamworld-space-soviet-intersections-between-art-and-science

Topsy Turvy at The Actors' Gang 9/26-11/16

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