Where Do We Invest? Take the General Plan Mobility Survey

Trains, E-bikes, walkability, protected lanes, traffic calming – you have heard all the buzz words floating around, but the questions is – how do you think we need to get around? Let the city know where to invest in mobility through 2045 by participating in the Mobility Alternatives Exercise!

Between now and Monday, June 7, 2021, 11:59 PM,  asking for everyone in the Culver City community to participate in the mobility alternatives exercise as part of the City’s General Plan Update. The  need as many people as possible who live, work, and play in Culver City to respond! Why should you participate? Your feedback will help the GPU team to develop the mobility alternatives that will shape how people move in and around Culver City through 2045. Go to /www.pictureculvercity.com/mobility-alternatives-exercise

If you couldn’t attend the 5/27 Mobility Workshop, view the presentation and video (in English or en español) for helpful context. Go to /www.pictureculvercity.com/alternatives

We’re constantly seeking feedback on how to better engage the community. If you have any questions on any part of the activity, terms in the activity, how to submit, or anything else, please don’t hesitate to ask staff by emailing [email protected] or calling (310) 253-5740.

The responses will supplement the technical studies and community input collected between September 2019 and May 2021.

The Actors' Gang

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