Do you own or manage multi-unit housing in Culver City? Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (LACDPH) wants your perspective on implementing and enforcing smoke-free multi-unit housing policies!
Harder+Company Community Research, in partnership with LACDPH, has launched a survey to understand the extent to which property owners & managers have implemented and enforced smoke free Multi Unit Housing policies on their properties in Culver City.
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The survey takes 10 minutes to complete. Harder+Company will provide a $30 gift card to Best Buy, Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf or Home Depot as a thank you for your time. The survey is open to Property Owners and Property Managers ONLY, who have properties in Bell Gardens, Beverly Hills, Culver City, and El Monte.
Complete the survey online through May 30, 2021!
For more information about the survey, please email Eva Maria Chavez at: [email protected]
On October 27, 2014, the City Council of the City of Culver City adopted Ordinance No. 2014-006, amending Chapter 9.11 of the Culver City Municipal Code, Smoking Regulations, to prohibit smoking in multi-unit housing.
City of Culver City
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