Women’s Business Mixer w/Culver City Chamber

What better way to celebrate Women’s History Month than to connect with more women? Ready to expand your professional network and meet some local leaders and groundbreaking pioneers?  The Women In Business Council’s Connection in a Flash will be meeting this week, on March 24, 2021 from 4 to 5 pm. 

Geared towards women, this event will mark the Council’s first programming of 2021 and takes on the form of a Speed Networking format.

You’ll have the opportunity to connect with many business professionals in a short period of time with our “connections in a flash”, allowing you to meet well over a dozen attendees.

To register, go to https://business.culvercitychamber.com/events/details/women-in-business-council-s-connection-in-a-flash-3144?calendarMonth=2021-03-01

Culver City Chamber of Commerce

Photo Credit – Natasha Case of Coolhaus (from Marketwatch) 

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