Included on the agenda for the Culver City Council meeting tonight on March 8, 2021, will be an action item on strengthening the city’s polystyrene ban. The amendments, which would be staggered in implementation to three separate categories, would move forward in July of 2021, January of 2022 and January of 2023.
If the item is approved, change effective in July 2021, include:
A ban on the commercial packaging, sale and distribution of polystyrene meat, fish, poultry, vegetable, cheese trays, and egg cartons;
A ban on all plastic beverage containers at City facilities and City sponsored events; and
A ban on plastic water bottles at City facilities and City sponsored events.
Potential amendments to being to be implemented in January 2022, include:
A ban on using polystyrene packaging (e.g. “peanuts”) for shipping merchandise and packages; and
A requirement that all food service-ware used by food establishments for take-out and/or delivery be composed of 100% fiber.
Potential amendments, effective January 2023, include:
A ban on the commercial sale of polystyrene cups, plates, plastic straws, stirrers, lid plugs and utensils; and
A requirement that “dine in” reusable service-ware be required for all food establishments offering dine-in service.
For more information, please contact Chanel Kincaid via email [email protected]
To attend tonight’s meeting, go to CulverCity.org
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