Friends of Sandy Segal Health Center – Annual Meeting and Family Support Programs Nov. 16

If you think health care is a vital issue for our community, know that there is a local organization doing some great things, and it needs and deserves your support. All are invited to the Friends of the Sandy Segal Youth Health Center’s annual meeting and program virtually this year. The zoom is scheduled for Monday, November 16, 2020. Installation of officers and President Diana Hauptman’s review of the year will take place from 6:30 to 7:00 p.m. From 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. there will be two simultaneous presentations, one for CCMS and CCHS students and another with parents.

Cheryl Karp Eskin, Program Director of Teen Line, will lead the parent support webinar.

The pandemic has uprooted our lives and we are all adjusting to our “new normal.” We are worried about the impact on our children, educationally, socially and emotionally. Concerns about anxiety and depression are heightened. Join us to learn more about how to help your children through this pandemic, when to worry, and how to build resilience. Ms. Eskin is the Program Director at Teen Line, a teen to teen hotline where teenagers can talk to a trained teen listener about any problem, no matter how big or small. She is also the co-chair of the Los Angeles Suicide Prevention Network and a parent of a teen and tween.

Information for the Friends of the SSYHC annual meeting and adult webinar is ID: 933 0670 5871.

Students can join a special webinar just for Culver City teens presented by Teen Line. The organization has been operating its teen-to-teen Hotline for almost 40 years, offering teenagers a safe haven, a place to talk things out with another teen in a nurturing and non-judgmental environment. If you are feeling overwhelmed, lonely, anxious, you are not alone. Teen Line has the unique ability to connect with teenagers because teens form the core of the organization. This webinar will be for students only and will be led by Teen Line’s Outreach Coordinator as well as a few of the teens that are part of the program. Please log on – no cameras or speaking required – you are welcome to simply listen or ask questions in the chat.

Join Zoom meeting for teens at ID: 857 8568 6843.

The Friends group serves as the fundraising arm of the Sandy Segal Youth Health Center which is located on the Middle School and High School campus and is managed by the Venice Family Clinic. Low cost physical and mental health services, as well as health education, are offered to Culver City Middle and High School students. Even though the campus is currently closed, services are still available through telemedicine, online, and at another VFC facility. For more information go to our website

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