CCEF Counts “SIP for our Schools” as Virtual Success

When the Culver City Education Foundation had to take their popular annual party online on September 26th, it was their first-ever virtual fundraiser/wine tasting event. The CCEF is happy to declare a success, and the numbers bear that out. 

“Over 375 households tuned in online to enjoy a live streamed program that included an entertaining and informative expert-led wine tasting adventure, surprise visits from celebrity guests, an exciting silent auction, and highlights of CCEF’s work to support valuable programs at every Culver City school. The event exceeded our fundraising goal and had more than twice the attendees we expected. We are grateful to the many viewers who made donations during and right after the program, listed here, as well as those who bid on auction items. All contributions will help CCEF continue to fund programs benefitting over 7,000 students each year!”

As important as the CCEF is to the many program it supports at CCUSD – music, robotics, improv, and many others – it’s good news for the community that going virtual is going well. 

The Actors' Gang

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