The Tellefson Park Playground Replacement Project will begin on Monday, September 21, 2020. New playground structures for children ages 2-5 and 5-12 are being installed. The water fountain is being replaced with an ADA compliant water filling station.
The playground area is closing for four weeks, from Monday, September 21 through October 19, 2020. The picnic pavilion will also be closing during this time. All other areas of Tellefson Park will remain open to the public. The playground was designed based on community input. The playground structures were designed and manufactured by Landscape Structures, Inc. The installations are being done by Cicero Engineering, Inc.
Tellefson Park is at Tilden Avenue and Washington Place, Culver City, CA 90232. Contact Patrick Reynolds, Parks Manager/City Landscape Architect at [email protected]. His direct line is (310) 253-6471.
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