Public Safety Survey – General Plan Update Seeks Input

In response to numerous community requests, the City Council of Culver City held a Special Meeting on June 15, 2020 focused on hearing public comments about the Culver City Police Department’s policies and budget. The City Council then formed a Task Force to Review Public Safety Services to 1) review and reallocate safety resources, services, and budgets and 2) review the Police Department’s use of force policy. In addition to this survey, the Task Force is holding community listening sessions, participating in public meetings, reviewing budget details, and analyzing departmental data.

This survey is designed to gather information about community members’ opinions about public safety services and responses, as well as perceptions of the Culver City Police Department (CCPD). Survey findings will be presented publicly on September 17, 2020, at a joint meeting of the Chief Advisory Panel (CAP) and the General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC).

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