Dear Editor – Wollin Lauds Police Response to Shooting

Dear Editor, 

I am thankful for the professionalism of our police department. This incident [/] is another example of what sets our department apart from others. Despite being shot at and fearing for their lives, our officers were able to handle the situation without the use of force. As your council member, I will work with CCPD to promote non-violent solutions, to ensure that our police have the means and ability to continue to keep our community safe, and continue to promote dialogue between the police department and our community.
It is important that as we continue to host community conversations about policing, that we focus on just our department, not the departments across the nation. Thank you CCPD for your continued professionalism and dedication to our community. We’re all in this together.

Heather Wollin

Editor’s Note: Wollin is currently a candidate for City Council

Topsy Turvy at The Actors' Gang 9/26-11/16

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