Culver City General Plan Update Gets UCLA Feedback

Each year, students in an urban planning master’s class at UCLA led by Professor Paavo Monkkonen, also a member of Culver City’s General Plan Advisory Committee, support an organization on various research projects. This year, that class partnered with Culver City on several topics related to its General Plan Update (GPU). How can Culver City recognize and celebrate its common values and improve life for today and tomorrow? Read the reports below to find out how students propose answering this question.

Advancing Community Engagement in Culver City
Toward a Proactive Local Affordable Housing Agenda
Flattening the Traffic Curve: Infrastructure-Light Solutions
Complete Streets for Culver City
Tapping Out in Culver City: Re-Envisioning the Inglewood Oil Field
Urban Design Report: Reimagining the Transit Gateway of Culver City

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