Candidates Commence – McMorrin, Puza Pull Papers for Council Race, Kent Announces for School Board

With Culver City’s municipal election happening in November for the first time, candidates are making their intentions known.
Both Yasmine McMorrin and Freddy Puza filed with the city as candidates in the council race, and Dr. Kelly Kent began her campaign for re-relection to the school board.

Puza was out delivering merchandise and social distancing with supporters over the weekend (local writers and film producers Scott Kecken and Joy Luzco, pictured above), while Dr. Kent held an online ‘virtual town hall’ on Sunday July 19, 2020 to discuss “reimagining the future of our schools.”  

While this is the first time a Culver City municipal election has been held together with a federal election, and it’s also the first time the council and the board have campaigned simultaneously.

With the deadline to file for candidate status still weeks away, it’s likely that there will be plenty of opportunities to interact with candidates at all levels over the coming months. 

Culver City Crossroads will announce the date of our candidate forums – council and school board respectively – once the opportunity to file is closed and the field is set. 

Judith Martin-Straw

Photo – City Council Candidate Freddy Puza with Scott Kecken and Joy Lusco 

The Actors' Gang

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