Join Assembly member Sydney Kamlager for a virtual town hall to learn about the California budget process. I will have an interactive simulation focused on procedures, trade-offs and the implications of COVID-19 associated with the statewide budget. Wednesday, July 15 at 5:30 p.m. Login information for Zoom provided with RSVP.
This town hall will be and educational and interactive introduction to the California state budget—including how the budget is put together, where California stands this year in light of COVID-19 implications, and what trade-offs must be considered when looking to balance the budget. Event will feature an interactive, nonpartisan budget simulation in which users select spending and revenue options in order to create their own versions of the state budget and learn about the trade-offs lawmakers are faced with when crafting the budget.
RSVP Online at/us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0td-CoqDksGdcxwyHlJ-6C-R_Pwnb9f97c
If you have questions about this event, please contact the office at (310) 641-5410.
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