Today, May 27, 2020, City Manager John Nachbar issued the 15th Supplement to the Public Order which allows the re-opening of low-risk indoor retail establishments and extends the outdoor dining and valet parking permit fee waivers, among other important changes to the City’s “Stay at Home” order. The Order mirrors the Los Angeles County Public Health order issued on May 26.
All Lower-Risk Retail Businesses and Indoor & Outdoor Retail Shopping Centers
All lower-risk retail businesses and indoor and outdoor retail shopping centers may now open for business at 50% capacity (Section 1). Businesses must follow the County’s “Retail Businesses Opening for In Person Shopping Protocol” or, if applicable, the “Shopping Center Operators Protocol”.
Non-essential office-based businesses may re-open, although teleworking is strongly recommended and encouraged (Section 3). Businesses must follow the County’s “Office-Based Worksites Protocol”.
Outdoor Dining License Fees and Valet Parking Permit Fee Waivers
Dining license fees and valet parking permit fees will continue to be waived, through August 31, 2020, or the termination of the Local Emergency, whichever occurs earlier (Section 9).
Entertainment Industry Studios
Entertainment industry studios and other related production establishments may resume operations upon authorization of the State of California Public Health Officer, and only with adherence to all State, County of Los Angeles and City issued protocols (Section 8).
Non-business related aspects of the order include:
Faith-Based Organizations
Faith-based organizations may resume services, with the number of congregants limited to less than 25% of the building’s capacity, or a maximum of 100 people, whichever is lower (Section 4). Businesses must follow the County’s “Places of Worship Protocol”.
Pools, Hot Tubs and Saunas
Pools, hot tubs and saunas that are in a multi-unit residence or part of a homeowners association may also now open (Section 6).
Public Protests
Individuals may participate in an in-person protest as long as attendance is limited to 25% of the area’s maximum occupancy, or a maximum of 100 attendees, whichever is lower (Section 7).
In addition to the Los Angeles County Public Health protocols, everyone must also follow the City of Culver City Reopening Guidelines and should review the State’s Industry Specific Guidance. For more information please visit the City’s coronavirus business information page.
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