Phase 2 – County Public Health Guidelines for Businesses

The County of Los Angeles Department of Public Health is adopting a staged approach, supported by science and public health expertise, to allow certain retail businesses to safely reopen. The requirements below are specific to retail establishments permitted to reopen for curbside pick-up by the Order of the State Public Health Officer on May 7, 2020. In addition to the condition imposed on these specific retail businesses by the Governor, these types of businesses must also be in compliance with the conditions laid out in this Checklist for Retail Establishments Opening for Curbside Pickup.

Included in this list of businesses are: florists and toy, book, clothing, music and sporting goods stores.

This checklist covers:

(1) Workplace policies and practices to protect employee health
(2) Measures to ensure physical distancing
(3) Measures to ensure infection control
(4) Communication with employees and the public
(5) Measures to ensure equitable access to critical services.

These five key areas must be addressed as your facility develops any reopening protocols.

All businesses covered by this guidance must implement all applicable measures listed below and be prepared to explain why any measure that is not implemented is not applicable to the business.

lease note: This document may be updated as additional information and resources become available so be sure to check the LA County website regularly for any updates to this document

The Actors' Gang

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