CC Girl Scouts – Heart to Heart for Coronavirus Heroes

Culver City Girl Scout Troop 7965, composed of of ninth and 10th graders from Culver City High School recently worked on a project called “Heart to Heart,” where the girls made hearts to give thanks, share positive messages and uplifting thoughts to Culver City police officers, firefighters, grocery workers, medical staff, delivery drivers and other essential workers.

Many teens feel helpless right now, thinking, “What can I do? I am only a teenager.” Well, they can do a lot, and they know that just a simple act of giving can not only make them feel like there is hope, but that it can brighten someones day.

In addition to this project, they put together thank you notes and a care package of snacks and treats for the UCLA emergency room staff, where there is a Culver City mom who works as a nurse. They hung up the messages in their break room.

“As a leader, I try to get these young ladies to see the future and see that there is always something that they can do to make the world a better place,” said Troop Leader Jodie Fratantuno. “I love the idea of teens ‘getting caught in the act’ of doing good things.”

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