Earth Day is a time for us to come together to take collective action for our environment. This year, the Sierra Club’s Clean Break Committee is putting a spotlight on urban oil drilling here in Los Angeles County.
On April 22 at Noon, a Facebook Live Forum with State Senator Holly Mitchell, State Rep Sydney Kamlager and Culver City Council member Daniel Lee to discuss what elected leaders and community activists are doing to stand up to Big Oil in LA.
Los Angeles is home to the Inglewood Oil Field, the largest urban oil field in the country. About 500,000 people in LA County live less than a half a mile from an active oil well. We know oil and gas pollution are fueling global climate chaos and a local public health crisis. Unfortunately, we are now learning that those same airborne pollutants increase our risk of complications of COVID-19.
Big Oil has been aggressively fighting against regulations and common sense protections. Learn more about what our elected leaders and Sierra Club activists are doing to be a part of the solution to protect public health and environment.
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