Culver City Posts “Relaxed” Parking Enforcement

To make every effort to help people stay home and slow the spread of COVID-19, the City of Culver City will continue relaxed parking enforcement through April 27, 2020.

Relaxed Enforcement includes:

Relaxed enforcement of street sweeping restrictions in residential areas
Relaxed enforcement around closed schools
Moratorium on ticketing and towing for abandoned vehicles and oversize vehicle overnight parking fines
Freeze on parking fine increases for the next 60 days
Extended grace period for people dropping off or picking up groceries and goods
Immediate extension on all deadlines for payment due until June 1
The relaxed enforcement will be in place until April 27, 2020 and is subject to extension. Enforcement will be maintained on operations that prioritize health, safety, and emergency access — including colored curb zones, peak-hour restrictions, and residential permit parking. Parking enforcement will also continue at metered spaces to encourage parking availability for businesses and restaurants relying on takeout and deliveries.

 On-Street Parking on Street Sweeping Days

While parking enforcement on street sweeping days has been temporarily suspended, street sweeping services are still occurring. Understanding that the street sweeper must maneuver around parked cars, many residents have inquired about the relaxed enforcement, and on their own have moved their vehicles off of the street on posted street sweeping days.

The City kindly requests motorists to move their cars when possible on street sweeping days during this relaxed enforcement period. If there are any leaves or trash in the curb area that the sweeper cannot reach because of parked cars, the City asks residents to sweep such material out into the street beyond the parked cars an hour or so before the scheduled sweeping time. Or, residents can sweep up the materials and place in their green bins for collection.

For questions, please call Lieutenant Brandon Vanscoy at (310) 253-6251 or [email protected].

The Actors' Gang


  1. Yes – restrictions are not enforced right now – UNLESS the RV is parked within 45 feet on an intersection (that’a a vision blockage/traffic hazard)

  2. Per the CCPD on May 27 – “Feed the meters, stay off the red curbs, but no tickets for street sweeping until further notice.”

  3. Info from the city says no changes today; there will be another COVID update from the city later today, and we will post that as soon as we can.

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