Riding Towards the Future – CycleBar Moves Bikes to Homes, Offers Gift Cards to Support The Studio

Steph Sklar-Mulcahy is not a woman to stand still during a crisis.

Closing the classes at her CycleBar studio to protect her members from spreading coronavirus, she knew that keeping everyone’s health concerns would come at a cost. The cost she wasn’t willing to pay was risking exposure. But how to keep her spin-loving workout crowd moving with the studio shut?

CycleBar Culver City moved bikes to homes during COVID-19 closure to keep riders healthy and connected to its thriving community. Checking out her stationary bikes gave a shot at uninterrupted workout, and enhanced cardio health for those with good cycling habits.

Didn’t get one but still would like to support the small business, purchase a gift card at cyclebar.com/community (must select Culver City before check out) to apply to your membership, a package, retail or gift to a friend once it is safe to reopen.

If you send an email afterwards to [email protected], the owner, Steph, will send you links to workout at home with their team.

Don’t have a bike? No problem, you can do any HIIT workout;  row, run, get creative!

Staying healthy is more than just staying home, and the habits that you and your family are creating now may be a central part of your life for a long time. Buying a gift card from CycleBar is one way to help a small business stay alive during the crisis, and give back to someone who has been giving good health and good habits to the community that you love.

Judith Martin-Straw

Photo – Steph Sklar-Mulcahy with her team at CycleBar

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