It’s the Shamrock Hunt! Post a Shamrock and Find Out Who Finds You!

While we were pondering St. Patrick’s Day, a lovely idea bubbled up; a Shamrock Hunt! Asking all the folks to put up a shamrock – one of those green clover shapes that we see everywhere on St. Patrick’s Day – in a window of your house ( if it can be seen from the street) or on your front door.

When parents feel like taking the children out for a walk, they can find the shamrocks and count how many of them are on display.

No hard rules on this game – just an easy way to know that your neighbors are thinking about you, that we can connect and give the little ones a little fun. No age limits- shamrock hunters come in all sizes and shapes.

Please send pictures of you and your children, shamrocks that you found, and we will all share a bit of cheer ( at a nice distance -) Send to [email protected] and later this week we will post some pictures of Shamrock Hunters.

Big thanks to Lila Rogers Swenson for the brilliant idea!

The Actors' Gang

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