February 17, 2020 – today is the day; Culver Boulevard between Elenda and Sepulveda will be the focus of construction for both realignment and a state-mandated stormwater project. The years of planing and community meetings that have gone into this project have created an ambitious but workable plan to create cleaner water and an even better street.
The project is scheduled for completion in September of 2021.
Project construction falls into four main phases with this tentative schedule:
Phase 1: February 2020 through March 2020 – Traffic control and project fencing from Sepulveda to Elenda, clear and grubbing of median park, and hardscape removal.
Phase 2: April 2020 through January 2021 – Removal of soil and installation of stormwater storage gallery and infiltration system, construction of the realigned median park from Sepulveda to Elenda, and construction of new raised median island on Culver Blvd.
Phase 3: February 2021 through August 2021 – Construction of new sidewalks, paver parking areas, street lighting, and new traffic signals on Culver Blvd. at Harter Ave. and Huron Ave.
Phase 4: September 2021 – Slurry seal of Culver Blvd., final striping, and project completion.
The Culver Boulevard Realignment Project is the continuation of the widening of Culver Boulevard that was completed by Caltrans as part of the 405 Freeway widening in 2009. The Public Works Department is excited about this project as it will resolve traffic issues along this reach of Culver Boulevard; and provide for a safer and more aesthetically pleasing street. The eastbound and westbound lanes of traffic are proposed to be separated with a new raised median.
Graphic – Culver City rendering of project plan.
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