If you’re planning to take a ride along the Ballona Creek Bike Path stop by and check two of the four murals completed: Sepulveda East and Overland West bike ramps. Overland East is currently being painted. The Duquesne Ave Ballona Creek bike ramp will be closed from February 10 – 14, to complete mural installations.
Students from Culver City High School’s Audio, Visual and Performing Arts class in collaboration with the City of Culver City’s hired artist Lindsay Carron worked to design the murals to raise awareness of stormwater impacts on our urban and natural environment. Murals will highlight the interaction between the community and wildlife with Ballona Creek, which runs through Culver City to the Pacific Ocean.
Currently, you can see Lindsay working on the Overland East bike path entrance/exit which will be completed on Friday, February 7th.
Learn more about the City’s Mural Project
For questions or concerns, please contact Chanel Kincaid at 310-253-6445.
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