Sklar-Mulcahy Takes Cycle Bar Success to 2nd Location in Santa Monica

Steph Sklar-Mulcahy has turned CycleBar Culver City in to a fitness destination, but as any athlete can tell you, reaching a goal means it’s time to set a new one. After being named as CycleBar’s Franchisee of the Year, she is focusing her new studio, CycleBar Santa Monica, an establishment that was previously shuttered.

What makes her wheels spin? “I got into cycling after I had burned out on running and needed to find something that gave me that “runners high”, but wasn’t so taxing on the body.  On a whim, I signed up for the AIDS/Lifecycle ride, a 545-mile bike ride from San Francisco to Los Angeles, which is the largest fundraiser for HIV and AIDS in the world and had the time of my life.”

Not content to keep such happiness to herself, she began looking for a way to open it up for everyone – then, CycleBar.

Sklar-Mulcahy offered “When I decided to leave my career in television and open up CycleBar, I found a place where I could cultivate a community that inspires and supports, just through an experience of riding a bike. I’ve created a space where people can challenge themselves, see progress, and receive encouragement without any judgement. I’m thrilled that we have been able to create this in Culver City and looking forward to bringing it to Santa Monica next week!”

Judith Martin-Straw

Photo Credit – SMDP


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