It’s Giving Tuesday, and if you are one of the many readers who get CulverCityCrossroads delivered to your inbox every afternoon, we hope that today is your day to become a paying subscriber. We ask for $5 a month, (although the site does say ‘No minimum, no maximum’) because five is a good number for us. We do five stories a day, five days a week.
Our coverage on local news is the best in Culver City, and we know that you value accurate, intelligent information. That is why you are one of our readers. Looking at our numbers, you also enjoy reading about new restaurants, current theater, art and dance, as well as community events, and we are delighted to be able share all that with you.
Since August of 2019, we have been publishing in print once a month, and each print edition also hosts a unique magazine. You can pick up a ‘paper’ at City Hall, at the library, at the Senior Center, and many other locations.
Most importantly, you want local news that’s really local.
So, go to the dark green box at the bottom of the page, and hit that ‘Donate’ button.
Accurate information is the axle on which society moves forward. Everything turns on this.
Thank You,
Judith Martin-Straw
Publisher and Editor
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