Metro Completes Feasibility Study on Sepulveda Transit Corridor

The feasibility study is now complete and has been posted on the Metro website. The study will be presented for information only to the Metro Planning & Programming Committee at its November 20, 2019 meeting and the Metro Board at its December 5, 2019 meeting.

As noted in the fall project update last month, Metro will soon begin the process of selecting a consultant to prepare the environmental impact statement/environmental impact report (EIS/EIR). This consultant is expected to be selected by June/July 2020. At the same time, Metro is moving forward with the Pre-Development Agreement (PDA) process, through which up to two private partners will be selected by June/July 2020 to work with Metro throughout the environmental analysis phase to develop and analyze project alternatives.

In order to allow the Board to consider the full range of alternatives that may enter into the environmental process, from both the feasibility study and the PDA procurement, Metro will wait to seek Board selection of alternatives for this project until June/July 2020.

Learn more and access the report link in Metro’s blog The Source post at


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