The final Action Item on the agenda for Monday Oct. 28, 2019 asked the council to declare a fiscal emergency to extend the Measure Y sales tax, and they voted unanimously to do so.
The item directly previous, A-3, saw a report on the status of public facilities – including the Vets Memorial Building. It was noted in the staff report that the amount of funds needed for upkeep were greater than the amount of funds that would cover the cost of taking it down and starting from scratch. The Vets Building will remain standing.
When City Manager John Nachbar offered a graph on the income into the Culver City General Fund, the post recession dip rose towards 2013 and continued up from there. “But Measure Y was passed in 2012,” pointed out Mayor Meghan Sahli-Wells,” and that could be part of the rise that we are seeing.”
A report from the state on the fiscal health of cities ranked noted that out of 471, Culver City ranked 172 in the state. The greatest fiscal risk – future pension costs – put the city at number one. While there were 28 other cities also ranked as ‘one’ at risk for future pension costs, both the city staff and the council jokingly agreed it was not a contest anyone wanted to win.
The status of the city was based on the current income, including the Measure Y sales tax.
When the vote was taken, the council opted to let the people vote on continuing the current level of sales tax on the next municipal ballot.
Judith Martin-Straw
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