The Asian World Film Festival showcases the best of Asian World cinema and champions films from over 50 countries across Asia spanning from Turkey and Japan to Russia and India. The mission of the festival is to draw greater recognition to the region’s wealth of filmmakers and strengthen ties between the Asian and Hollywood film industries.
The festival is sponsored by the City of Culver City and runs from Wednesday, November 6th through Thursday, November 14th in downtown Culver City. Film screenings will be at the ArcLight Cinemas located at 9500 Culver Boulevard. More information about the 2019 AWFF Festival, film selections, and ticket availability can be found at
Guests are encouraged to carpool, bike or take public transportation to the event. The Culver CityBus also offers service near the event! Call 310-253-6500 or visit the Culver CityBus website to plan your trip!
City of Culver City
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