One Incredible Family is looking for volunteers to assist in an “arts and crafts project” creating Halloween Trick-Or-Treats Bags. This project benefits children who are abused, neglected, abandoned, orphaned, developmentally or learning-disabled, homeless, runaways, or children whose lives have been adversely impacted by HIV / AIDS.
Volunteer Role & Responsibilities: Volunteers will decorate white paper bags with Halloween-themed stickers and / or draw using crayons or markers and then fill the bags with candy, toys, and a sealed toothbrush.
What to Bring?
Individually – wrapped candy, stickers and your Inner Child!!!
The minimum age for participation (with an adult guardian) is 6 years old, otherwise must be 12+ years old.
SUNDAY, October 20th 2019
9:30 AM – 4:30 PM
American Legion – Community Post 46
5309 Sepulveda Blvd., Culver City, CA 90230
At The Corner Of Janisann Ave. & Sepulveda Blvd.
Centinela Feed is on the opposite corner.
The entrance is behind the building via the parking lot for the American Legion.
To register or for more info, go to www.oneincrediblefamily.org/event-calendar/
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