Dear Editor,
This Thursday [Oct. 24, 2019] at 7 PM, there will be an LA County meeting at the Kenneth Hahn Park Community Center at 4100 S La Cienega Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90056.
If we value our lives, homes, and property, this is a must-attend meeting! Why?
Recently the County’s Regional Planning Dept had unnamed reviewers (qualifications ???) implicitly report that all is safe with the Baldwin Hills/Inglewood Oil Field, basically that there is no need to train us when and how to shelter-in-place or when & where to evacuate.
Not only did they dismiss concern for our safety in this current review of the oil field regulations (known as a CSD – Community Standards District), their was no indication of a need to begin to phase out ongoing oil & gas production in the oil field given our ever hotter & dryers weather. This is in direct contradiction to the Board of Supervisors’ unanimous approval of a comprehensive 220 page Los Angeles Countywide Sustainability Plan that embraces “A fossil fuel-free LA County” (pages 107-114). It aptly states:
By eliminating fossil fuel production in the County, including drilling, extraction, and refining, the County will protect its residents from harmful local pollution that inequitably burdens workers, low-income communities, and communities of color.
By significantly addressing the sources of pollution, we will bring cleaner air to our communities while also limiting the magnitude of imminent dangers that climate change will bring. These dangers include more frequent and larger wildfires, extreme heat, more frequent and prolonged periods of drought punctuated by more severe storms that cause local flooding, greater risk of the spread of disease, and rising seas that threaten our coastal communities.
By eliminating fossil fuels, we are seeking to mitigate global climate change and its impacts throughout the region. (Goal 7: page 107)
Why are those in the County’s Regional Planning Dept seemingly heedless of the County’s intention? heedless of the Climate Emergency Bill in Congress? heedless of their fiduciary responsibility to protect our health and safety?
Democracy only prevails when we the people show up to demand our human rights to health and safety!I
Join us this Thursday @ 7pm and demand that the Regional Planners:
Begin sunsetting oil & gas production in Los Angeles County asap.
Create and publicize a “Community Alert Notification” training for all who live within 1500’ of oil & gas operations, teaching when and how to shelter in place or evacuate in the event of fires or explosions, as recently occurred in Northern California’s oil storage facility’s hazmat fires after the nearby earthquake.
Demand a surety bond adequate to protect the lives and property of all who live within 1500’ of oil & gas operations, the significant risk area for fatality and injuries.
Please come with friends and neighbors to express that our concerns be addressed with all due diligence!
This Thursday night, October 24th @ 7 PM come to the LA County, Community Advisory Panel meeting at Kenneth Hahn Park Community Center. Parking is at the second right turn after entering the Park.
Suzanne De Benedittis
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