The moment has almost arrived; Next week will be the General Plan Update kickoff. On September 3, 2019, the City Council will take part in a study session for the General Plan Update (GPU) and discuss visions for the city and goals for the project.
This study session is part of the GPU project kickoff and is the first public event in the anticipated three-year update process.
The other public event taking place during the kickoff will be the General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC) Open House on Wednesday, September 4, 2019 from 6:30-8 PM at the Wende Museum, 10808 Culver Blvd, Culver City, CA 90230. The GPAC Open House will celebrate the launch of the GPU project and will be the first meeting of the GPAC. The consultant team, Raimi + Associates, will give a brief presentation on what to expect during the process and project timeline.
There will be a swearing-in of the GPAC Members, the Oath of Office will be administered to the GPAC Members, and City staff will go over the procedures and logistics for the GPAC to conduct its meetings. Complimentary child care will be provided at the GPAC Open House.
The agenda and related items are now available at culver-city.legistar.com/Calendar.aspx This link is a direct connection to meeting agendas for all Culver City meeting bodies. If you do not see the link to the meeting you wish to view, please use the dropdown menus to select the year and then the body for the agenda(s) you wish to view.
Learn more about the project and sign-up for notifications. Get more more information on the GPAC. If you have questions or would like more information, e-mail Ashley Hefner, Advance Planning Manager at [email protected] or call 310-253-5740.
With frequent service and direct connection to the Expo line, Culver CityBus Line 7 can make it easy to attend the Open House! Plan your trip online or by calling 310-253-6500.
City of Culver City
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