It isn’t often that a section of settled urban space gets an opportunity to re-imagine itself, but that is what Fox Hills got to do with the Urban Land Use Institute, and the workshops where folks got to talk together have been studied, and are now online.
Take time to review and comment on the Urban Land Use report, which contains analysis and suggestions for the commercial area in Fox Hills. In the coming months of 2019 city staff is planning to request of the City Council that a consultant be identified to prepare a master plan for the area.
Go to culvercity.org/re-imaginefoxhills
Why is it important to have community input? Simply put, changes made will affect everyone in Fox Hills (residents and businesses alike). When reviewing you will see that the report is in sections to include:
Mission of the Urban Land Use Institute
Summary of Report/Key questions addressed
Major Conclusions- ( note terms ENHANCED STATUS QUO and GUIDED EVOLUTION)
Background of Culver City and Fox Hills
Recent Plans
Recommendations start on Page 12 for areas of mobility, parking, Bristol Parkway and branding and identity.
Possible Scenarios start on Page 16: 3 scenarios for the Fox Hills Plaza and 1 scenario for the office space on Hannum and Bristol
What do you think of the scenarios? How should Culver City address pressures from wealthy corporations wanting to be in Fox Hills? Your comments will be important in how this information is utilized by the city.
Judi Sherman, FHNA
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