The City of Culver City recently joined Energy Upgrade California (EUC) to encourage Culver City residents and businesses to take charge of their energy use and “Keep California Golden.”
Developed by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to meet its Long Term Energy Efficiency Strategic Plan for 2009 to 2020, EUC is designed to motivate and educate Californians on energy-efficient living. Through the partnership, EUC will host giveaways and educational sessions at community events, such as Culver City’s Boulevard Music Festival and Fiesta La Ballona, as well as offer fact sheets and small business efficiency guides.
“Culver City residents and businesses can lean on EUC programs and resources for supporting their unique journeys to becoming energy stewards,” said Mayor Meghan Sahli-Wells. “We share the same goal of cutting back on energy use, but our steps to getting there may look different from our neighbors. What’s great about partnering with EUC, is that Culver City benefits from resources that supplement what many of us are already doing to conserve. Over the past decade, the City reduced our energy use by 32 percent through a number of energy efficiency measures at our facilities, and we know plenty of residents and businesses striving to achieve the same. Our hope is to get more folks on board to do more.”
After approving the partnership at its meeting on April 8, the Culver City Council also publicly encouraged community members to take one energy-saving action each day.
Through EUC, Culver City joins the CPUC, utilities, Community Choice Aggregators, businesses, nonprofits and more to meet state climate action goals, such as doubling energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 40 percent below 1990 levels, before 2030.
“Culver City is proud to be a part of the movement to steer California forward,” continued Mayor Sahli-Wells. “This initiative, and others like it, are imperative to our community’s success at achieving the local, regional and statewide goals we have set for ourselves. By taking at least one action a day, we can make California healthier for generations to come.”
The City’s Environmental Programs & Operations Division, as part of the Public Works Department, has championed significant efforts to provide environmental education opportunities as well as improve services in the areas of resource conservation, environmental and public health protection and solid waste diversion. EUC supplements these existing efforts with offerings that further enhance individual awareness of energy management and pave the way for saving money and energy for Culver City’s community.
Mayor Sahli-Wells also serves as the City’s representative on the Board of Directors for the Clean Power Alliance (CPA). The CPA is a nonprofit entity, formed through a Joint Powers Authority made of 31 public agencies across Los Angeles and Ventura counties—including Culver City—working together to bring clean, renewable power choices to our communities.
Visit the City’s Green Initiatives webpage to learn about the other ways Culver City is positively impacting the environment.
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