Join the Sierra Club for a presentation by award-winnning photographic artist Michael E. Gordon that will feature images and stories from Death Valley National Park, the largest and most awe-inspiring National Park in the lower 48. The event will take place at 7pm, Thursday, July 11, 2019 at the Garden Room, Culver City Veterans Memorial Auditorium
Gordon is a California native and resident who has been exploring, hiking, studying, photographing and loving Death Valley for more than 25 years. His passion, enthusiasm, and knowledge of this fascinating and magical landscape will turn you into a Death Valley lover, too. He is intimately familiar with the land, its moods, it’s light, and it’s natural and human history.
Michael will be bringing his books, American Desert and Immense, Silent, and Sacred for signature.
This free educational event is sponsored by the West Los Angeles Group of the Angeles Chapter of the Sierra Club and is open to members and non-members of the Sierra Club.
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