On Sunday, June 23rd, from 12:00 to 5:00 pm, Helms Bakery District is pleased to partner with Leadership Culver City to host a free community Wellness Expo and lifestyle reboot.
Join us for a campus-wide day of education, information, participation, and healthy fun. Creating small changes toward a nourishing and beneficial lifestyle are paramount to good health. Stop by to learn about financial wellness, join a meditation session, learn CPR with the Culver City Fire Department, take a class led by the YMCA, discover the benefits of home composting and gardening, or get organized using the KonMari method.
Being charitable is also known to improve your health, so we’re providing ways for you to give back as well: UCLA will be on site to organize a blood drive in memory of Culver City Fire Department Chief Mike Nagy, who tragically passed away this past September; The Samburu Project will host a popup shop in support of their mission — providing access to clean, safe drinking water; and learn about the Leadership Culver City program and how you can get involved in your community.
Pick up a complete program of events at the Leadership Culver City Info Booth on Helms Avenue and jumpstart your wellness transformation!
UCLA Blood Van 12:00 – 5:00 In Memory of Culver City Fire Department’s Mike Nagy will be hosting a Blood Drive. The Bloodmobile will be parked behind Rejuvenation. To schedule your lifesaving blood donation appointment, go online to www.ucedonor.com enter CC-Fire in Zipcode or Account Code box. Walk-ins welcome. Blood Donors receive an AMC or Cinemark Movie Ticket.
For more info, please visit: www.helmsbakerydistrict.com/wellness
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