Dear Editor,
Here is some background. The City has been socked with two huge mandatory multi-year bills: employee pension costs and the need to remove dirt from stormwater. To help pay for these costs, the City asked taxpayers to raise the sales tax and charge a new property tax. Even then, in a few short years the bills will overwhelm all revenue, causing a reduction in services we have come to expect.
Rightfully, we also expect the City Council to be as prudent and cautious as possible as possible.
Most people do not read or the proposed City Budget or have knowledge of it. Here is one paraphrased that stands out on page 23 of the capital section: replace a nice existing garden with another nice existing garden next to City Hall FOR A COST OF HALF A MILLION DOLLARS hopefully paid for by a rich Sugar Daddy. Unless this Sugar Daddy comes by, you, the taxpayer is stuck with the bill-it must come out of the general funds.
Would the general public notice or care if the garden is replaced?
You can stop this project cold. Call or write you City Council. Next Monday the City Council will make a final approval of the Annual Budget. Please go to City Council next Monday and speak out against waste. They should revise or reject this ridiculous spending plan.
Paul Ehrlich
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