Registration for Culver City’s Summer recreation programs and classes has begun! That’s right, residents can register online, by walking-in to the Recreation Office at 4117 Overland Avenue, or by mailing in their registration forms.
To register online, go to www.culvercity.org/city-hall/city-government/city-departments/parks-recreation-community-services/culver-city-living
And, there is even more good news! The Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department’s offerings are now being presented in a fresh, new format in our quarterly brochure, Culver City Living.
Culver City offers recreation programs and classes for those of all ages, interests and skill-levels. Please join us this year for some fun! The Recreation Office is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM, and Saturday & Sunday from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM (please note the office is closed on all City holidays). Ready to get started? Please call us at (310) 253-6650 or email the Registration Office.
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