June is Pride Month, and HLA Dem Club will be kicking off the celebration at their June meeting! Wednesday, June 5 from 7pm to 9pm at the The Feminist Majority Foundation 433 S Beverly Dr, Beverly Hills, CA 90212
The featured speaker will be Sepi Shyne. Shyne is an Iranian-American business and trademark Attorney, Energy Healer, Animal Communicator, LGBTQ+ Civil Rights Advocate, Feminist and life-long Democrat. Sepi has been featured on radio shows, tv shows and internet blogs as one of the best alternative healers in Los Angeles. Sepi serves as an appointed member of the Lesbian and Gay Advisory Board for the City of West Hollywood. She is a past co-president of the LGBT Bar Association of Los Angeles during which she was interviewed on CNN on the Jane Valez Mitchell show about Hate Crimes. She currently serves on the Steering Committee of the Human Rights Campaign LA as Co-Chair of Community Engagement and is a past Board Member of HRC. Sepi ran for West Hollywood City Council in March of 2019 and came within 141 votes of beating a two term incumbent and plans to run again in November 2020. She lives in West Hollywood with her wife and their fur-babies.
Also on the agenda: Reporting back from Convention this weekend in San Francisco, and updates from our committees
We’ll be serving water and snacks. Please bring your own water bottle.
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