Sierra Club to Feature Clean Power Alliance – May 9

Culver City now uses 100% clean power to provide electricity to its residents, and tonight’s Sierra Club meeting will be featuring Allison Mannos of Clean Power Alliance to inform, educate and inspire. CPA believes in a clean energy future that is local, where communities are empowered and customers are given a choice about the source of their energy.

Thanks to the Clean Power Alliance, 930,000 customers living in Santa Monica, Culver City, West Hollywood and 6 other CPA cities now have 100% clean, renewable energy flowing from their electrical outlets! These folks are about 25 years ahead of rest of California!

On Thursday, May 9, 2019, at 7pm in the Garden Room of the Culver City Veterans Memorial Auditorium join Allison Mannos, CPA’s Senior Marketing Manager, who will be presenting on Clean Power Alliance’s service, rates, options and history, led by an environmental vision of reducing climate change by procuring renewable energy quickly. She will discuss what the Local Programs Strategic Plan process that will be kicking off soon and how advocates can give input to CPA.

This free educational event is sponsored by the West Los Angeles Group of the Angeles Chapter of the Sierra Club. Feel free to bring a friend; all meetings are open to both members and non-members of the Sierra Club.

David Haake

The Actors' Gang

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