Black Talkies on Parade presents the 1999 documentary, Paul Robeson: Here I Stand. Directed by St. Claire Bourne, the film covers the extraordinary life of actor, singer, scholar, and activist Paul Robeson. Robeson’s unmistakable baritone voice recorded over 200 songs and he starred in notable films like Body and Soul, The Emperor Jones, and Sanders on the River. He used his popularity to raise awareness about Civil Rights and was a powerful figure in the movement. The film is 117 minutes long and is narrated by the award winning director and actor, Ossie Davis. Join us as as we celebrate the 121st year of Paul Robeson’s birth!
The afternoon will be hosted by Executive Director Lloyd Clayton and film committee member Shawnee Gibbs will lead a discussion after the film.
Screening is FREE!
Mayme A. Clayton Library and Museum
4130 Overland Avenue
Culver City, CA 90230
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