The BCR Team welcomes volunteers of all ages for this fun and worthwhile activity where the inland water and incoming tide meet—a special place of water, fish, birds, and plants—yet still too much concrete and mostly-plastic ocean-bound trash. It’s also a great way for students to earn community service credits.
The recent rains have flushed lots of polystyrene and other bottles, straws, lids, and wrappers into the creek from all over its nearly 130 sq.-mi. watershed. So while much needs to be done to stem this flow long before it reaches the creek, we welcome volunteers to learn, care, and do something positive for our creek and community.
As with all creek and coastal cleanups, participants under 18 need waiver forms signed by their parent or guardian, available on-site. Adult volunteers sign waivers on-site.
Details: We recommend sunscreen, hats, and close-toed shoes (preferably water-resistant). Feel free to bring your own water in a reusable container and gloves. Water and gloves also will be available at the event, along with bags, grabbers, buckets, rakes, and educational displays. For more cleanup details go to ballonacreek.org
Thanks for your interest and participation!
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